Video Marketing on Auto-Pilot

Stories have the power to convey ideas, create connections, and increase sales. It has never been easier to to leverage video in your marketing and sales. From remote recording done by your clients to in-person video production we got you covered!

Video Testimonial

Brand Awareness

Video Testimonial

Airbnb Experience

Event Coverage

Video Testimonial

Brand Awareness

Video Testimonial

Airbnb Experience

Event Coverage

As seen on

Why Video Marketing?

It's a fact! The majority of consumers favor videos over reading when it comes to learning about products or services (especially when making purchase decisions). Here are a few extra reasons why your business should invest in video marketing: 

Shorthen Sales Cycles

Video marketing significantly shortens the sales cycle by accelerating decision-making at each stage of the buyer's journey. By incorporating strategic video testimonials, businesses can effectively close trust gaps in their go-to-market strategy. These testimonials serve as powerful tools for building credibility and demonstrating real-world applications of products or services. Potential customers, seeing these authentic experiences, are more likely to quickly move through the sales funnel. This approach not only enhances the speed at which decisions are made but also solidifies the customer's confidence in the purchase, leading to a more efficient and effective sales process.

Video marketing significantly shortens the sales cycle by accelerating decision-making at each stage of the buyer's journey. By incorporating strategic video testimonials, businesses can effectively close trust gaps in their go-to-market strategy. These testimonials serve as powerful tools for building credibility and demonstrating real-world applications of products or services. Potential customers, seeing these authentic experiences, are more likely to quickly move through the sales funnel. This approach not only enhances the speed at which decisions are made but also solidifies the customer's confidence in the purchase, leading to a more efficient and effective sales process.

Increase Brand Awareness

Video marketing plays a pivotal role in increasing brand awareness, offering a dynamic and engaging way to showcase a brand's identity, values, and offerings. The visual and auditory elements of video allow businesses to create a memorable and impactful experience, far surpassing the limitations of traditional text-based content. By leveraging the shareable and viral nature of video content on various social media platforms, companies can reach a wider audience, effectively amplifying their brand presence. This approach not only attracts new customers but also fosters a deeper connection with existing ones, as they become more familiar with and loyal to the brand's narrative and ethos. Through creative storytelling and visual appeal, video marketing becomes an indispensable tool in building a strong, recognizable brand.

Video marketing plays a pivotal role in increasing brand awareness, offering a dynamic and engaging way to showcase a brand's identity, values, and offerings. The visual and auditory elements of video allow businesses to create a memorable and impactful experience, far surpassing the limitations of traditional text-based content. By leveraging the shareable and viral nature of video content on various social media platforms, companies can reach a wider audience, effectively amplifying their brand presence. This approach not only attracts new customers but also fosters a deeper connection with existing ones, as they become more familiar with and loyal to the brand's narrative and ethos. Through creative storytelling and visual appeal, video marketing becomes an indispensable tool in building a strong, recognizable brand.

Attract New Customers

Video marketing is a highly effective strategy for attracting new customers, capitalizing on the engaging and shareable nature of video content. By crafting visually appealing, informative, and entertaining videos, businesses can capture the attention of a broader audience, reaching potential customers across various digital platforms. These videos can highlight unique features, benefits, and the value proposition of products or services, resonating with viewers and sparking their interest. Moreover, well-optimized video content can enhance online visibility and search engine rankings, making it easier for new customers to discover the brand. This form of marketing not only increases brand exposure but also encourages viewers to engage, share, and eventually convert into loyal customers, effectively expanding the business's customer base.

Video marketing is a highly effective strategy for attracting new customers, capitalizing on the engaging and shareable nature of video content. By crafting visually appealing, informative, and entertaining videos, businesses can capture the attention of a broader audience, reaching potential customers across various digital platforms. These videos can highlight unique features, benefits, and the value proposition of products or services, resonating with viewers and sparking their interest. Moreover, well-optimized video content can enhance online visibility and search engine rankings, making it easier for new customers to discover the brand. This form of marketing not only increases brand exposure but also encourages viewers to engage, share, and eventually convert into loyal customers, effectively expanding the business's customer base.

Close More Deals Faster

Video marketing significantly contributes to closing deals faster by incorporating elements of social proof, addressing potential objections, and building trust with the audience. By featuring customer testimonials, case studies, and reviews in video format, businesses can provide tangible and relatable evidence of their product's effectiveness and reliability. This social proof helps to quickly alleviate any skepticism or concerns potential customers might have. Furthermore, videos can be strategically designed to preemptively address common objections, providing clear and concise answers to frequent questions or doubts. The visual and personal nature of video also fosters a sense of trust and authenticity, enabling viewers to connect with the brand on a more personal level. Through this combination of social proof, objection handling, and trust-building, video marketing accelerates the decision-making process, leading to quicker deal closures.

Video marketing significantly contributes to closing deals faster by incorporating elements of social proof, addressing potential objections, and building trust with the audience. By featuring customer testimonials, case studies, and reviews in video format, businesses can provide tangible and relatable evidence of their product's effectiveness and reliability. This social proof helps to quickly alleviate any skepticism or concerns potential customers might have. Furthermore, videos can be strategically designed to preemptively address common objections, providing clear and concise answers to frequent questions or doubts. The visual and personal nature of video also fosters a sense of trust and authenticity, enabling viewers to connect with the brand on a more personal level. Through this combination of social proof, objection handling, and trust-building, video marketing accelerates the decision-making process, leading to quicker deal closures.

Let's work together

Who We Are

We believe in the power of stories as the right way to convey ideas, create connections, and increase sales. We are here to help your business shine and thrive, from strategy to execution of your marketing. Flow Online Marketing is a full-stack digital marketing agency and multi-media studio based in northern California.

Let your customers and employees tell your brand story (without you lifting a finger)

Let's Connect

Schedule a free introductory call to learn more about our solutions. Our friendly team would love to hear about your goals/challenges and first see if we can be of help.